Carl W, one of KEYFORT's Rapid Response support workers spent some time reflecting on the COVID-19 pandemic, what he has experienced in his role and observed in others over the last year. The Rapid Response support workers assist the regional teams in the delivery of services.
"A year since the pandemic hit us all and we can finally see light at the end of the tunnel."
"I recall seeing segments on the news about a virus early last year but I had no idea what the future held. Thinking back to March and being told to stay at home but knowing the job we provide in care, this is not possible. Having so many questions running through my mind, will the people I support be safe? Will my family be safe? Will I be safe? to name but a few. At no point could I imagine how much pressure this put on social care, keeping everyone safe and staffed while protecting those most vulnerable.
At KEYFORT, I saw that the team put together a plan, PPE supplies and updated their guidance as regularly as the government issued it.
I thought to myself, let's keep the people we support safe, wear the PPE and wash our hands! It can't be that hard. But what followed amazed me, in a good way!
To all my fellow support workers, this is a shout out to you. During one of the darkest years for mankind, I personally seen the coming together of a group of people to support those most vulnerable."
"The selfless commitment and utter devotion to their job showed me the best of humanity."
"That no matter what comes our way, we will face it as one and put the people we support before our own interests. I've been there in full PPE in the height of summer day in, day out. Throughout life it's not what we gain but what we do that defines us.
The strength and mental fortitude to keep going during lockdowns is an immense effort. Ideas have sprung from everyone and the dedication to the mental health of the people we support was clear. Winston Churchill once said 'if your going through hell, keep going', this would sum up what every person associated with KEYFORT has done this past year, kept, kept, kept going!
The vaccines are rolling out, the end is but a stone's throw away. As a support worker you receive privileges' to be in a person's life every day, as they do yours. I know from the difference this can make, it be a 2 hour call to full days of support. We are all ordinary individuals who have found the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.
Now let's have a fantastic summer and all enjoy a cold one back together!
Cheers and my upmost gratitude and respect."
Carl W - Rapid Respose